The Hawk
On a whim, I just decided to start a blog while I was sitting in class today. This is my first post but I'm not going to do anything more introductory than this sentence.
So yesterday I saw something that was grotesque and beautiful at the same time. Driving to school in the morning with my roommate, I noticed a huge bird flying around in front of the Law School. A very impressive wing-span indeed. We zoomed by so my awe was very brief. After an enlightening introductory lecture in Legal Ethics in which we assessed the ethics of such actions as belching during a friends wedding ceremony and surfing for free porn on the internet (believe it or not some people consider those things unethical!! - I came outside and saw my avian amigo again. Only this time he was seated quite comfortably on the snow covered lawn of the Law School liesurely pecking away at the entrails of a recently killed squirell. I'm pretty sure it was a hawk and it was huge! Definitely the largest bird I've ever seen out of captivity. And as if that wasn't enough it was chowing down on a irritating little rodent's brains. In conclusion, Hawks are awesome.

Does anyone have an after-squirrell mint?
We found a cat's head on our property once. Hawks are awesome.
2/13/2005 6:49 PM
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